Rev is a versatile document management tool. In addition to being able to index and search for documents, users also have the option to print images and share them using email. Users might need to share an image/document with individuals within or outside of their organization. This can be done just as easily.
The option to email and print images from Rev saves users valuable time and resources. Instead of having to physically send over documents to different locations, users can select and send everything they need fully digitally.
This feature gives users the option to instantaneously share any documents with anyone around the world with no time lag whatsoever. Users have the option to print and email images from both the Indexing Screen as well as from the Search Screen.
Users have the option to email or print any images and these images can either be currently in process or already indexed. This means that whether an image has been indexed a long time ago or is currently being sorted, it can be just as easily accessible to be sent or printed.
Furthermore, the description box gives users the option to add supporting information about the images being sent to the receiver. In printing mode, users can also preview the images before printing them to make sure that the right images are printed.